How to collect diagnostic information when a failed ESXi Host upgrade


Quando viene effettuata una richiesta di supporto tecnico a VMware vengono richieste quasi sempre informazioni diagnostiche che contengono registri specifici del prodotto, file di configurazione e dati relativi al caso specifico. Generate da un comando e compresse in un file .tar, queste informazioni possono essere inviate al supporto VMware per l'analisi del caso.
Vediamo come.

Running vm-support in a console session on ESXi/ESX hosts

  1. Open a console to the ESX or ESXi host. For more information, see Unable to connect to an ESX host using Secure Shell (SSH) (1003807)Tech Support Mode for Emergency Support (1003677), or Using Tech Support Mode in ESXi 4.1 (1017910).
  2. Run the command:


    Note: Additional options can be specified to customize the log bundle collection. Use the vm-support -h command for a list of options available on a given version of ESXi/ESX.
  3. A compressed bundle of logs is produced and stored in a file with a .tgz extension in one of these locations:

    • /var/tmp/
    • /var/log/
    • The current working directory
    • To export the log bundle to a shared vmfs datastore, use this command:

      vm-support -f -w /vmfs/volumes/DATASTORE_NAME

    Note: The -f option is not available in ESXi 5.x, ESXi/ESX 4.1 Update 3, and later.
  4. The log bundle is collected and downloaded to a client, upload the logs to the SFTP/FTP site. For more information, see Uploading diagnostic information to VMware (1008525).
Fonte VMware
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